The Virtual Vitamin

A Daily Dose of Insight and Common Sense

Unions: The Dreaded Group Project

The most miserable of classroom assignments:  there are always those who do the majority of the work, those who sleep on the job, those frustrated because their opinion doesn’t matter, and everyone shares in the graded outcome.  Unions have stifled economic growth, suppressed innovation, and weakened the workforce.  The workers only have the rights that labor legislation and the union permit.  A person’s rights are surrendered to the union, and an individual has no right to choose representation, ask for a raise, or negotiate on their own behalf.  Wages and benefits are decided by union contracts based on the collective; there is no meritocracy.  Collective rights leave no liberty to the individual, no freedom to succeed, and no motivation to move beyond the mediocre.  Those who don’t join the union are still dominated by it.  Exclusive representation, fixed wages, and dues are still required.  Their only difference:  no union vote.  The real “free-riders” are those who benefit from the talent and work ethic of others.  Employees should sink or swim based on their own merits, rather than forcing everyone into the same boat.  The government, courts, and unions, all try to answer the question, “What is fair?”  Isn’t the individual worker the best person to decide what is in their best interest?  This current system is pass/fail.  We need the opportunity to surpass the set standards and achieve excellence.

June 5, 2010 Posted by | on Economics, on Government | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment